Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Event Poster

Save Tada !!!

Still we are working on posters, banners & badges for this event, it will be put soon over here.

Credits: Karthik S & Naveen for this poster.

Participate or Support - Save Tada


Our mission is Clean Tada Green Tada. Lets remove every single garbage, glass bottle and plastic and make Tada a clean and green. Lets bring back the pristine Tada. Register yourself and participate in this clean up drive. We take care of everything from transport to food, cleaning materials to drinking water for you. All you need to do is register for this drive and show case the strength. Click on the below link to register yourself to participate in this trek.

If you have any difficulty in registering yourself for this trek, please contact

Have a heart, but cant participate; Support!!!

If you have a heart for the Clean Tada Green Tada, but cant join for this for any reasons, thats ok, still you can support by em ways. Create awareness about this clean up drive and Clean & Green environment in general. You can blog, tweet about this. Share this event in facebook et all. We will bring blog badges for this event and you can put that in your website / blog site.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Save Tada !!!

TADA - A Mysterious location, beautiful scenery, pristine waters, crystal clear pools, fresh flowing streams, breathtaking views and the gorgeous Tada waterfalls - this is how Tada was described a few years ago. All this is already becoming history.

This was Tada a couple of years ago. Pure , Green & Clean

Fresh & Clean water everywhere...

Today, Tada is described as a place filled with garbage, liquor bottles,broken glass pieces, plastic covers, plates, plastic water bottles,rappers of biscuits, assorted snacks, aluminium foils, metal caps,Clothes, footwear..... and what not? - It is also home to those anti-social elements who drink there and cause harm not only to the general public but also to the peaceful trekkers either directly or indirectly.

Today, it is worst!!! Plastics, Garbage & Junk trashes everywhere

Drunkards , Bottles & broken glasses everywhere...

Its high time we acted upon this; We as trekkers and nature enthusiasts share a common goal of protecting nature. Yet we have not managed to do much about the anti-social activities happening out there in the name of the so called "Eco-Tourism". Absolutely no rules are being followed in this place, no one ever bothers to check if the rules are being obeyed, plastic wastes are scattered everywhere - yet not a sign of dustbins (At least along the main route to the falls that everyone takes).

The pictures above open the doors to reality, it appears as if mother nature is desperately crying for help. If left unnoticed, the whole place would die out eventually. Friends, lets come together on this date, to help save mother nature before it reaches a point of no return; lets take up the responsibility and clean up this place apart from our usual fun filled trek; lets measure the waste extracted and let the officers know what has happened to a beautiful place in just a few years and document it. This would at least help reduce by a great extent, if not prevent, the use of plastics and littering around; this will make the authorities enforce basic rules that will preserve the beauty for ages to come. So that we can continue our passion and create a safe green home for mother nature.

To show its concern for Tada, CTC along with the help of media has decided to take up the clean-up operation under its flag. Friends, and to all those who love nature, come, be a part of this wonderful and responsible trek. Its time to show your part in conserving nature.

Sava Tada - Save Mother Nature. Clean Tada Green Tada

Credits: Pics taken from CTC's Tada photo's taken a year back and from Naveen.